Thank you for registering
Thank you for registering for Mapleton Elementary PTA’s 5K and 1Mile Fun Run! We appreciate your support and look forward to seeing you on race day.
Packet pickup will be Friday, November 11th from 3-5pm at Mapleton Elementary (120 W Maple St.) and Saturday, November 12th from 7:30-8:30am at Mapleton City Park (East Maple and Main). Packets will have your race bib (number) and t-shirt. You must pick up your packet before you run. Non-paid participants are welcome to walk or run the race, but will not receive a t-shirt or be eligible to win prizes.
The race is Saturday, November 12th at 9:00am at Mapleton City Park. Race will happen rain, snow or shine so dress for the weather!
Awards will be presented to the first 3 participants who complete the race in each age category and every paid participant will be entered into prize drawings, so stick around after the race to see if you won!
Contact Mapleton Elementary PTA at [email protected] with questions.