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PTA News and Notes – April 2022

PTA News and Notes – April 2022

  • Get ready for this year’s PTA fundraiser! It will run from April 25-29. We are asking for cash donations. Big Prizes and activities will be awarded if we hit our goal of $8,000. Prizes include a helicopter ping pong ball drop, Mrs. Thomas and Mr. “Nachos” will kiss a pig and cotton candy for the top donating class in each grade! Keep an eye out for more information in a couple of weeks.

  • DADS we need you! We are putting together a Dads Talent Assembly to take place in May (exact date TBD). If you have a talent you want to perform that would be great! It can also be as simple as doing a lip sync, telling dad jokes, or gathering a group of dads to do a skit. Email [email protected] if you are interested. Please join us!

  • We’d like to thank Natalie Christensen for her effort in organizing the three SEP dinners throughout the year. The teachers really appreciated these delicious meals!

  • At our PTA meeting in March Alisa Liston was voted in as President Elect and Emily Finlinson as secretary. We are thankful for their willingness to serve.

PTA News and Notes – March 2022

PTA News and Notes – March 2022


  • Thank you to Carrie Hollingshauss for helping with the school spelling bee. She did a fantastic job lining up the judges and arranging the awards!
  • Thanks to Amber Egbert and Jana Nance for organizing a parent run, PTA supported “Love Week” and a huge thank you to each of you for who donated money or treats to show love to the teachers and staff at the school. It was a great week!
  • Book Fair March 1-4
  • Join us at our PTA meeting on March 8th at 9:30am. We’ll be finalizing votes for next year’s PTA Board and discussing the activities for the rest of the year.
  • PLEASE click on the links for Amazon and Smith’s on this page to sign up to earn easy money for our school!!!
PTA News and Notes – February 2022

PTA News and Notes – February 2022

  • The PTA sponsored Spelling Bee is coming up on February 11th and spelling lists will be coming home soon. Help your child study and you’re sure to learn how to spell a few words too.
  • Mark your calendars and budget some money because the Book Fair starts on February 28th!
  • The Nominating Committee met recently and have nominated the following people to the Mapleton Elementary PTA board for the 2022-23 school year. At the March 8th PTA meeting we will vote to make it official. If anyone wants to challenge the nominees for these positions please email [email protected] asap.

         President Elect: Alisa Liston

         Secretary: Emily Finlinson

  • Thank you Amy Harrison for organizing a successful, fun and educational Red and White Ribbon Week!
  • A big congratulations to the following students who received awards from Region 10 PTA for their Reflections projects:

         Dayton Wright-Special Artist: Award of Merit for Film Production

         Olivia Nackos-Intermediate: Award of Merit for Music Composition

         Copelyn Powell-Primary: Award of Excellence for Dance Choreography (project will move onto State)

Green Ribbon Week!

Green Ribbon Week!

September 21st-24th

This year we are introducing Green Ribbon Week (Pedestrian and Passenger Safety) to Mapleton Elementary! We want your children to be safe while traveling as passengers in a vehicle or while sharing the road (walking, biking, riding scooters, etc). The activities listed below have been planned to help promote student safety.  Please support this event by helping your children participate in these activities and look for messages to come home each day!

Tuesday, 21st

Safety Assembly
Mapleton Police and Fire Departments will discuss pedestrian and passenger safety; green backpack ribbons will be given to students who pledge to be safe!

Wednesday, 22nd

Walk to School Day
Children are encouraged to walk, bike, or ride their scooters to school.

Thursday, 23rd

Dress in Green Day!
Come to school dressed in green to celebrate safety!

Friday, 24th

Be Mighty Mountaineer Safe!
Show your school spirit by wearing any Mapleton Elementary t-shirt or dressing in blue!

Join the PTA, eat Chick-fil-A!

Join the PTA, eat Chick-fil-A!

We are pleased to announce that Chick-fil-A is once again sponsoring our PTA membership drive at Mapleton Elementary. For each membership purchased you will receive a gift card for a free combo meal! (Must have child attending Mapleton Elementary for 2021-22 school year, limit 2 per family.) Gift cards will be available for pick up at the open house on August 17, after that they will be sent home with your student. A single membership is $6 and a dual membership is $12. This is a great way to support the PTA and get free food. (You can’t buy a combo for $6!) There is no obligation to serve in the PTA once you join, but we’d love to have your help. If you want to volunteer you can sign up at the open house.

Click link below for PTA Member signup:

Single Member Signup >

Two Member Signup >

Congratulations to Miss Blaisdell!

Congratulations to Miss Blaisdell!

Miss Emily Blaisdell was nominated by Mapleton Elementary PTA for the Outstanding Elementary Educator Award through Utah PTA and was selected as a state winner! We have so many incredible teachers at Mapleton Elementary that there is a certain guilt that accompanies singling out just one teacher for such an award, but we are excited to celebrate Emily’s accomplishment. Her award was announced at the Utah PTA Leadership Convention and she was also recognized at the latest Nebo School Board Meeting. Congratulations Emily and thank you to all of our amazing teachers for all that they do for our children.

Maple Grove Middle School PTA Business

Maple Grove Middle School PTA Business

Maple Grove Middle School is in the process of forming a PTA. The nominees for their new PTA Board are listed below, and their proposed bylaws can be accessed through the button. Please check out these documents, which will be posted for at least 30 days. 

Proposed PTA Board for Maple Grove Middle School 2021-2022
President- Kara Murri
President Elect- Jeff McCloud
Secretary- Airy Morris
Treasurer- Jacoy Baird