January 2018
Welcome back to school! We are looking forward to some fun events this month.
#1: Box Tops Store will be a day early this month, on Thursday, January 4th during lunch. Please clip unexpired Box Tops and send them to school with your students.
#2: A PTA General Membership Meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 9th at 9:30am in the school’s basement. We will discuss past events, upcoming activities and vote on the 2018-2019 PTA Board. Please join us! Kids are always welcome.
#3: Red & White Ribbon Week will be January 22nd-26th. It will be a fun week reminding students to be Drug Free and Media Smart. Students are encouraged to dress up in support of the daily theme.
Monday- We’re too bright to harm our mind and body—Wear neon.
Tuesday- From head to toe I am drug free and media smart—Crazy hair and sock day.
Wednesday- I am a “Jean-ius,” I make good choices—Wear Jeans.
Thursday- Team up to keep our minds and bodies healthy—Wear team apparel.
Friday- My choices are the key to making my dreams come true—Wear pajamas.