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October events

October events

We’ve got a busy month ahead of us!!  Get ready for some fun!!

Oct. 1st: Walk To School Day

All students are encouraged to walk/bike to school that day (if possible) and we even encourage parents to walk with them if you choose. Students who ride the bus will get the chance to walk the perimeter of the playground to emphasize healthy activity and exercise as well. All students will get a snack as they enter the school that morning.

Oct: 2nd: Picture Day

Oct. 4th: Box Tops Store at lunch

During lunch bring your clipped and unexpired box tops to the basement to buy fun prizes and treats!

Oct.7th: Sail Away with Books Fundraiser Kick off

Oct. 8th: Reflections Entries Due

Oct. 10th: Reflections Awards Night

Oct. 21-25th: Book Fair

Oct. 22nd: Dudes and Donuts @ 8:00am

Oct. 24th: Reading Cruise Literacy Night 5:30-8:00pm

Oct. 25th: In-School Read-athon, wear your pajamas!!

School’s back in full swing

School’s back in full swing

Welcome back to a new school year!  We appreciate everyone who came to the open house and joined PTA and signed up to help with events throughout the year.  We have some important things coming up in the next few weeks.

Sept. 4th: Room Parent’s Fiesta 3:30-4:00pm

Sept. 5th: Reflections Kickoff Assembly

This year’s reflections theme is “Look within”.  Entires are due October 8th.  All forms can be found at

Sept. 6th:  Box Tops Store at lunch.

Hopefully you’ve been saving up Box Tops all summer long! The Box Tops Store will be open during lunch on the first Friday of each month.  Students can visit the basement with their clipped and unexpired Box Tops to buy fun treats and prizes.

Sept. 10th: PTA General Membership Meeting, 9:30am in the basement.

Sept. 25th: SEP Conferences

Oct. 1st:  Walk to School Day:  Such a fun day for everyone to get outside and enjoy our beautiful Mapleton!


Open House

Open House

BACK TO SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE, Friday, August 16, 2019  2:30 – 4:30pm

If you haven’t already joined the PTA when you registered online, you can join at the open house.

  • Meet your student’s teacher
  • Sign-up to help in classrooms
  • Find out about the PTA fundraiser in October
  • Sign up to volunteer for PTA events

We strongly encourage you to visit our school apparel website to check out our different styles and options this year! All sizes will be available to try on at the open house. Forms will be available to order 2 basic t-shirt styles while many more options are available online, including sweatshirts, jackets, caps and water bottles.

May Events

May Events

May 3rd: LAST Box Tops Store

It’s the last Box Tops Store of the year!  Please send clipped, unexpired Box Tops with your student(s) on Friday, May 3rd. They can visit the Box Tops Store at lunch to buy fun treats and prizes.  Then remember to clip and save Box Tops all summer long!

May 14th: Host Council PTA Meeting, 9:30am

May 22nd: Field & Water Day

Field & Water Day will be Wednesday, May 22nd.  Watch for volunteer sign ups to help with this fun day! We would like to thank Sara Harward, Alison Robison and Audra Crandall for doing this enjoyable day for our students. We would also like to thank the Mapleton Firefighters for always supporting this annual end of year event.

May 24th:  6th Grade Graduation

May 24th: Last day of school!

April Events

April Events

April 8-12th: Teacher Appreciation Week

Help us celebrate the most talented, most interesting, most extraordinary people in the universe …… 

The teachers and staff at Mapleton Elementary school! Our master builders are the best in the Universe!

Our master builders will get special treatment and gifts all week long, ending with Friday’s activity: Each student will color a mini-figure picture and write a note to help their Master Builder feel like “the special.”

Because of our MASTER BUILDERS hard work and dedication to excellence, our students are capable of amazing things.  


April 12th: Box Tops store

It’s the last two Box Tops Stores of the year!  Please send clipped, unexpired Box Tops with your student(s) on Friday, April 12th and Friday, May 3rd. They can visit the Box Tops Store at lunch to buy fun treats and prizes.  Then remember to clip and save Box Tops all summer long!


April 15-19th: Outdoor Adventure Week

We are excited for our students to have the opportunity to put down screens, choose healthy treats,  and explore the many activities and adventures that await them!

Again this year, students will have the opportunity to earn a ticket for every 30 minutes of Active Exercise Adventure Time, a ticket for each day that they go Added Sugar Free, and  a ticket for each day they go without Casual Screen Time.

Every Student that participates in any of the options during the week will earn a small prize and an extra recess on Friday April 19th! In addition, the class in each age group with the most tickets total will win brand new recess equipment! 


May 3rd: LAST Box Tops Store

March Events

March Events

Mar. 1st: Box Tops Store in the basement at lunch.

Mar. 11th-14th: Book Fair

Mar. 12th: PTA General Membership Meeting, 9:30am. Come vote on the 2019-2020 PTA Board.

Nominated PTA Board Members 2019-2020
President: Jason Nackos
President Elect: Jaycie Robinson
Treasurer: Jana Davis
Secretary: Amber Egbert
Administrative VP: Julie Peery

Appointed Board Members
Publicity: Cheryl Mitchell
Membership: Ryan & Heather Schriever
Volunteer: Sheila Gibson & Kara Woodworth

Mar. 12th: Dudes and Donuts, 8:00-8:45am

Bring your dad, brother, grandpa, uncle or any dude! Even moms are welcome!

Stop by the book fair and get a new book, bring one from home, or find one in the library to read with your guest. We’ll be in the lower grade library by the front office.

Mar. 13th-14th: SEP Conferences

Mar. 15th: No School

Mar. 19th: 6th Grade Graduation Pictures

February Events

February Events

Feb. 1st: Box Tops Store

Feb. 15th: Class Spelling Bees

The spelling bee is for students in 3rd-6th grades.  Each individual class will hold a spelling bee on Feb 15th.  The top 3 spellers per class will advance to school finals held on February 22nd. Watch for the list of practice words which will be sent home with students the first week of February.

Feb. 18th: President’s Day—No School

Feb. 22nd: Spring Pictures

Feb. 22nd: School Spelling Bee

January Events

January Events

Happy 2019!

Please note a few things that are going on this month.

Jan. 8th: PTA General Membership Meeting, 9:30am in Room #1.  All PTA members are invited and children are always welcome.

Jan. 9th-10th: SEP Conferences

Jan. 14-18th: White/Red Ribbon Week & Jan. 17th: Net Smart Assembly 7pm

This will be a fun week reminding students to be Drug Free and Media Smart.  Students are encouraged to dress up in support of the daily theme.

Monday- We’re too bright to harm our mind and body—Wear neon.

Tuesday- From head to toe I am drug free and media smart—Crazy hair and sock day.

Wednesday- I am a “Jean-ius,” I make good choices—Wear Jeans.

Thursday- Team up to keep our minds and bodies healthy—Wear team apparel. 

Friday- My choices are the key to making my dreams come true—Wear pajamas.

Parents please visit:

To pledge to be media smart and drug-free along with your children!

December Events

December Events

Dec. 7th: Box Tops Store

Remember to send clipped and unexpired Box Tops to school with your students on the first Friday of every month.  They can use them to purchase prizes and treats during lunch and the school benefits from the money earned from turning in the Box Tops!

Dec. 24th-Jan. 1st: No School—Christmas Break

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from your PTA board!  

We’re so grateful that we get to work with such amazing parents, students, faculty and staff to help make Mapleton Elementary great! Thank you for all of the time you spend in service of our PTA and school.

We hope everyone has a fun and safe holiday break! 


Amazon Button

Amazon Button

As you Christmas shop this year, please remember that you can give back to our school! Our school earns a percentage of every Amazon purchase with no extra cost to you.

Visit and click on the Amazon button at the top of the page. You can then bookmark that Amazon page and use your bookmark for all of your future visits to Amazon.


If you like to use Amazon on your phone, link to Amazon from the PTA website. Then at the bottom of the page use the button to get more options and select “Add to Home Screen.” Use that new Amazon button for your shopping instead of the Amazon app. (Note: You may have to delete the Amazon app before it will let you create your new button.)

Thank you for your support!