April 8-12th: Teacher Appreciation Week
Help us celebrate the most talented, most interesting, most extraordinary people in the universe ……
The teachers and staff at Mapleton Elementary school! Our master builders are the best in the Universe!
Our master builders will get special treatment and gifts all week long, ending with Friday’s activity: Each student will color a mini-figure picture and write a note to help their Master Builder feel like “the special.”
Because of our MASTER BUILDERS hard work and dedication to excellence, our students are capable of amazing things.
April 12th: Box Tops store
It’s the last two Box Tops Stores of the year! Please send clipped, unexpired Box Tops with your student(s) on Friday, April 12th and Friday, May 3rd. They can visit the Box Tops Store at lunch to buy fun treats and prizes. Then remember to clip and save Box Tops all summer long!
April 15-19th: Outdoor Adventure Week
We are excited for our students to have the opportunity to put down screens, choose healthy treats, and explore the many activities and adventures that await them!
Again this year, students will have the opportunity to earn a ticket for every 30 minutes of Active Exercise Adventure Time, a ticket for each day that they go Added Sugar Free, and a ticket for each day they go without Casual Screen Time.
Every Student that participates in any of the options during the week will earn a small prize and an extra recess on Friday April 19th! In addition, the class in each age group with the most tickets total will win brand new recess equipment!
May 3rd: LAST Box Tops Store