November Events
Nov. 2nd: Box Tops Store at lunch
Nov. 7th: Picture Retake Day
Nov. 13th: PTA General Membership Meeting, 9:30 a.m.
Nov. 21st-23rd: No school— Thanksgiving Break
Nov. 2nd: Box Tops Store at lunch
Nov. 7th: Picture Retake Day
Nov. 13th: PTA General Membership Meeting, 9:30 a.m.
Nov. 21st-23rd: No school— Thanksgiving Break
Mapleton Elementary has great volunteers and staff who help our children learn and succeed. They go above and beyond what is expected in giving more back to the school and students. Monthly, will recognize a few of them for the good work that they do.
Beth Larsen has been volunteering for 3 years in Mrs. Bennett’s class and is still going strong. Cornelia Wilson volunteered for 3 years in Mrs. Jensen’s class. These “grandma helpers” give of their time and love to make a difference for our children. We want to thank them for their outstanding service.
Hope Crandall works at the school in the mornings and volunteers in Mrs. Bennett’s class in the afternoon. Mrs. Bennett said, “Hope was there from the beginning when I was hired 4 years ago, just three days before school started. Her granddaughter was in my class and my first call when I got hired was to Hope. I told her I need a grandma helper and truly I couldn’t have taught that year without her.” She has given hundreds of hours in one-on-one time with students over the last 4 years. Thank you Hope. You are making a great difference for those students that you give so much time to.
Volunteers are still needed! Please click HERE to sign up for a shift. Thank you!
Scales & Tails
Mapleton Elementary Family Night
Mon. Sept. 24th, 5:30-8:30 p.m.
Dinner, Treats, Animal Show, Silent Auction
Animal Show:
Pre-selling tickets is now closed. Tickets will be for sale the night of.
$5/person, $25/family
6:00 p.m. & 7:30 p.m. Show Times
Fishing Pond and Lollipop Game
Tickets can be pre-purchased or purchased night-of.
5:30-7:30 p.m.
J. Dawgs hot dog, chips & bottled water
Night-of: $7
Silent Auction:
Gift baskets provided by each classroom will be auctioned off from 5:30-7:15 p.m.
We hope to see you there!
Welcome back to a new school year! We appreciate everyone who came to the open house and joined PTA and signed up to help with events throughout the year. We have some important things coming up in the next few weeks.
Sept. 5th: Reflections Kickoff Assembly
This year’s reflections theme is “Heroes Among Us.” Entires are due October 9th. All forms can be found at
Sept. 5th: Room Parent’s Fiesta 3:15-3:45pm
Sept. 7th: Box Tops Store at lunch.
Hopefully you’ve been saving up Box Tops all summer long! The Box Tops Store will be open during lunch on the first Friday of each month. Students can visit the basement with their clipped and unexpired Box Tops to buy fun treats and prizes.
Sept. 11th: PTA General Membership Meeting, 9:30am in the basement.
Sept. 24th: Scales and Tails Family, 5:30-8:30pm.
This year’s fundraiser will be a fun night for families! Come to the school on Monday, Sept. 24th from 5:30 to 8:30pm and join us for J. Dawgs dinner, animal show, fishing pond, treats, silent auction and more! Pre-purchase tickets HERE or forms are available in the front office and will be sent home with students soon. Please return forms and payments to the front office by September 21st. We hope to see you there!
If you haven’t already joined the PTA when you registered online, you can join at the
Back to School Open House
Monday, August 20th 2:30-5:30pm
*Meet your student’s teacher
*Sign-up for parent teacher conferences
*Order school shirts
*Sign up to volunteer for PTA events
*Find out about the PTA fundraiser: Scales and Tails Family Night
Mapleton Elementary celebrates their favorite SUPERHEROES April 30th-May 4th!
Click the link below for a copy of the Teacher & Staff Appreciation Flyer and to print out a star for your student to put on their teacher’s door.
April 13: Box Tops Store in the basement during lunch.
April 13-20: Active Adventure Week
Get ready for Active Adventure Week starting Friday April 13th through Friday April 20th! We are happy to be adding some fun new options and incentives this year as we incorporate screen free week. Students will have opportunities to earn tickets for active activities as well as days without recreational screen time. There will be prizes and extra recess for all students who participate. Classes with the most tickets will earn new recess equipment!!
April 30-May 4: Teacher Appreciation Week
Teacher Appreciation Week is April 30th-May 4th. This is such an important week where we show love and appreciation to our hard working teachers. The PTA still needs help with this event! Please text or call Katie Chase at (801) 369-5226 or click on the link below to sign up to help. Thank you!!/showSignUp/10c0d49a8a829a0f49-teacher
We appreciate everyone who helped with and attended the Regional PTA Council Meeting that we hosted in February. It was fun to hear the school orchestra perform and the school secretary, Dyan Gordon, received our PTA Service Award. We are so grateful for Mrs. Gordon’s constant support and service!
March 2nd: Box Tops Store at lunch
March 13th: Join us in the basement at 9:30am for a general membership PTA meeting.
March 12-15th: Visit the Book Fair in room #12.
March 14th: Dudes and Donuts, 8:00-8:45am, lower grade library by the office.
Students are invited to bring their dad, grandpa, uncle, or any “dude” to the school. Moms are even welcome! Come read together, visit the book fair and have a donut.
March 20th: 6th Grade graduation pictures.