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Reflections Awards and Ice Cream Party!

Reflections Awards and Ice Cream Party!

On Friday we held an assembly to honor our Reflections Awards recipients, as well as an ice cream party for all who participated in the Reflections Program! We are so proud of all students who submitted an entry!

The following students received an Award of Excellence, and their entries will move on to the Springville/Mapleton Council level:

Kindergarten-2nd Grade
2D Art: Sunshine Schellenberg, Emma Holden
3D Art: Evelyn Dyer, Madilyn Stoddard
Dance: Ruby Spurgeon, Alexia Wakefield
Literature: Barrett Thorpe, Alexia Wakefield
Photography: Michael Whiting, Alexia Wakefield

3rd-5th Grades
2D Art: Todd Schmutz, Mikayla Jensen
3D Art: Alvin Hovanski, Ada Dyer
Dance: Adele Ricks, Olive Spurgeon
Film: Grace Swain, Landon Frampton
Literature: April Christiansen, Rachel Hughes
Music: Raegan Vogelsberg, Brynlee Lainhart
Photography: Alice Colgrove, Noelle Stoddard



Save The Date!

Save The Date!

DUDES AND DONUTS will be held next Tuesday, September 27th, 8:15-9:15am.
Students are welcome to invite any guest to enjoy a donut with them and read a book!
The book fair will also be open during this time!
Friday, September 23rd   11:45am-12:45pm 2:45-3:45pm
Tuesday, September 27th 8:15-9:15am (Dudes & Donuts) 11:45am-12:45pm 2:45-3:45pm
Wednesday, September 28th 8:45-9:15am 11:45am-12:45pm 2:45-7:00pm (SEPs)
Thursday, September 29th 8:45-9:15am 11:45am-12:45pm 2:45-3:45pm
Friday, September 30th 8:45-9:15am 11:45am-12:45pm  
Beat the Street!

Beat the Street!

A big THANK YOU to Safe Routes Utah for their Beat the Street Assembly that they shared today! It was such a fun assembly, and our kids got some valuable information on how to stay safe while walking, biking, scootering, etc.
Watch for some fun swag to come home, including age-appropriate activity books, reflective slap bracelets, pencils, and information on their Walk & Roll program where kids can win prizes for walking and biking!
Be Mighty Mountaineer Safe!