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Teacher Appreciation

Teacher Appreciation

This year we wanted to show our teachers how much we appreciate them by doing small things for them throughout the year. With Teacher Appreciation Week approaching, we are planning to serve a nacho bar to the teachers for lunch. If you would like to sign up for a food donation, please use the signup genius link below.

The luncheon will be served on Friday, May 7th. Donations should be turned in by Wednesday, May 5th. Thank you!

We are putting on a lunch to show our teachers and staff at Mapleton Elementary how much we appreciate them. Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. Thank you! All items can be brought Aislin Dyer’s home (370 N 400 E) anytime on Wednesday, May 5 and Thursday, May….
Thank you!

Thank you!

Thank you so much for your support of our Penny Wars! The kids had a lot of fun as they developed strategies to help their class!

The class with the most points in each grade was awarded with a cotton candy party, while the rest of the students were given a smaller treat. Thank you to Lollipuff for generously donating their time and the cotton candy for each class! Each child got to pick a gourmet flavor and watch their cotton candy be spun- it was a lot of fun!


Penny Wars!

Penny Wars!

The Penny War has begun!
You can keep sending you change and other donations throughout the week.
This will be the only fundraiser this year, so thank you for your contributions!
(See flier below for official rules)
(Golden dollars count as positive points and will not be counted with the silver coins).
PTA Executive Committee Nominees for 2021-2022

PTA Executive Committee Nominees for 2021-2022

Nominations for the officers of the 2021-2022 PTA Executive Committee have been submitted for election. The nominees’ names are as follows:

President: Katie Thorpe
President-Elect: Kathy Terry
Secretary: Noel Trapnell
Treasurer: Rebecca Lainhart

The election will take place at the PTA General Membership Meeting on Tuesday, March 9th at 9:30am, location TBA. If anyone would like to run for any of these elected positions, they will need to submit a letter of intent to Mapleton Elementary PTA Secretary, Noel Trapnell at [email protected], by March 4, 2021.

Red and White Ribbon Week Dress up days

Red and White Ribbon Week Dress up days

Monday: “Be a Rock Star and Stay Drug Free”….dress up like a rock star

Tuesday: “Follow Your Dreams by Making Good Choices”…wear pajamas

Wednesday: “I have the Power to Make Good Choices Online”…dress as a super hero

Thursday: “From Head to Toe, I’m Drug Free and Kind online”…crazy hair and sock day

No school on Friday, Jan. 15th or on Monday, Jan. 18th for Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Thank our Teachers!

Thank our Teachers!

We are so thankful for our awesome teachers and want to let them know how grateful we are for them.  Because we cannot get into the school to volunteer as we would like to, we want to give a BIG THANK YOU to the teachers and staff (ALL 70 of them) at the school by providing a week of snacks, candy and drinks. If you can donate a few treats to give our teachers to brighten their days, please sign up!

Donations due this Friday, November 13th. Thanks!