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PTA Council Meeting

PTA Council Meeting

Mapleton Elementary is hosting the regional PTA Council Meeting on Wednesday, February 21st.  Everyone is invited to join us in the school gym at 9:30am.  We will be giving out the PTA Service Award to honor a member of the Mapleton Elementary staff and brunch will be served.  Children are welcome!

2018-2019 PTA Board

2018-2019 PTA Board

2018-2019 PTA Board

Thank you to those who participated in electing next year’s PTA Board.

President:  Joriel Howcroft
President Elect: Jason Nackos
Secretary: Amber Egbert
Treasurer: Kara Woodworth
Volunteer VP: Shiela Gibson
Publicity VP: Katie Holley
Membership VP: Heather & Ryan Schriever

January 2018

January 2018

Welcome back to school!  We are looking forward to some fun events this month.

#1: Box Tops Store will be a day early this month, on Thursday, January 4th during lunch.  Please clip unexpired Box Tops and send them to school with your students.

#2: A PTA General Membership Meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 9th at 9:30am in the school’s basement.  We will discuss past events, upcoming activities and vote on the 2018-2019 PTA Board.  Please join us!  Kids are always welcome.

#3: Red & White Ribbon Week will be January 22nd-26th.  It will be a fun week reminding students to be Drug Free and Media Smart.  Students are encouraged to dress up in support of the daily theme.

Monday- We’re too bright to harm our mind and body—Wear neon.

Tuesday- From head to toe I am drug free and media smart—Crazy hair and sock day.

Wednesday- I am a “Jean-ius,” I make good choices—Wear Jeans.

Thursday- Team up to keep our minds and bodies healthy—Wear team apparel.

Friday- My choices are the key to making my dreams come true—Wear pajamas.



  1. December Box Tops Store is Friday, December 1st.  Bring your Box Tops to the basement during lunch!
  2. There is an envelope in the office for 2018-2019 PTA Board nominations.  Please submit nominations by December 21st.
  3. Before doing your online shopping this Christmas season, come to the PTA website and click on the Amazon button at the top of the page.  A percentage of your purchase goes to the school at no extra cost to you!!
November Events

November Events

It’s November!

#1. Don’t forget to send clipped and unexpired Box Tops on Friday, November 3rd.  Students can use them to buy prizes and treats in the basement during lunch that day.

#2. Picture retake day is also Friday, November 3rd.

#3. A PTA General Membership Meeting will be held in the basement on Tuesday, November 14th at 9:30am.  Come join us to hear how the fundraiser and other recent events went and plan for upcoming activities.  Children are always welcome.





First Week of October Events

First Week of October Events

Welcome to October! It’s a going to be a busy week at Mapleton Elementary.  Make sure you have all of this week’s events marked on your calendar.

#1 Monday, October 2nd, 5:30-8:30pm, is our Magical Family Night Fundraiser at the school.  Pick up your pre-purchased tickets in the office any time on Monday or when you arrive that night.  We are looking forward to a fun evening with activities, food and a magic show!

#2 Wednesday, October 4th is National Walk to School Day.  All students are encouraged to walk or bike to school that day, if possible.  Students who ride the bus will get the chance to walk around the playground to emphasize healthy activity and exercise as well.  All students will get a healthy snack as they enter the school that morning.  Remember to have students wear their school shirts!

#3 Thursday, October 5th all Reflections Contest entires are due by 9:00am.

#4 Friday, October 6th will be our monthly Box Tops Store during lunch.  Please make sure to send Box Tops that are not yet expired and are clipped.  Thank you!


Magical Family Night

Magical Family Night

We are excited to announce this year’s PTA Fundraiser! Please mark your calendars for our Magical Family Night on Monday, October 2nd, 5:30-8:30pm.  We will have a fun night for families that includes dinner, magic show, silent basket auction, treats & activities at Mapleton Elementary.


Magic Show tickets are limited and will be sold on a first come, first serve basis.  Show times are 6:00pm and 7:30pm and the show runs for 1 hour. Tickets are $5 per person or $25 per family.  

Dinner will be served from 5:30 to 7:30pm. A meal will include a hot dog, chips and a drink.   The night of the event meals can be purchased for 4 punches using a punch card.

Buy punch cards to use for activities, prizes, treats and food.  For $5 you get 5 punches, for $10 you get 12 punches and for $20 you get 25 punches.

If you are willing to donate any store bought baked goods or treats to be sold that night, please contact Emily Warren at

Baskets will be provided by each classroom to be auctioned off.  The auction will be open from 5:30 to 7:15pm.  Baskets will need to be paid for and picked up between 7:15 and 8:30pm that night.


Purchasing tickets online is no longer available.  Magic show tickets, food tickets and punch cards can be purchased the night of, first come first serve until the seats and food are gone.

All pre-purchased tickets and punch cards will be available to be picked up from the office by an adult on the day of the event or when you arrive that night.

Thank you for your support!  We look forward to seeing you at this fun event!!

PTA General Membership Meeting

PTA General Membership Meeting

This year PTA meetings will be held on the 2nd Tuesday of the odd months (September, November, January, March & May) in the basement of the school.  Please join us there for our first meeting on September 12th at 9:30am.  We will be voting on the budget and discussing upcoming events.  This would be a great time to share any thoughts you may have on what you would like to see happening at the school!

Back to School Open House

Back to School Open House

Hello from your 2017-2018 PTA Board! We hope everyone has enjoyed their summer break.

Please mark your calendars for August 21st.  The Back-to-School Open House will be held from 2:30-5:30pm that day.  After meeting your child’s teacher, come to the gym to:

*Meet the PTA Board

*Join PTA

*Volunteer to help with PTA events this year

*Learn about and pre-register for the Magical Family Night

*Order school t-shirts

*And get a little treat!

We look forward to seeing you there!