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Field & Water Day and Last Day of School

Field & Water Day and Last Day of School

May 24th: Field & Water Day for 1st-6th grades is on Wednesday.  Students can wear a swimsuit and should a bring towel.  Don’t forget the sunscreen.  It will be a fun day outside!

May 26th: 6th Grade Graduation and the last day of school!  Thank you for contributing to another wonderful year at Mapleton Elementary.  Everyone have a safe and fun summer!!

PTA Volunteer Brunch

PTA Volunteer Brunch

Come join us for our last PTA General Membership Meeting of the year.  We will meet on Tuesday, May 9th at 10:00am in the basement for a delicious brunch.   Please come and let us show our appreciation for all that you’ve done to contribute to making this year a success!   Kids are welcome, as always.

Flowers for Teachers This Thursday!

Flowers for Teachers This Thursday!

Thursday, May 4th students are invited to bring a flower to their teacher.

Flowers will be added to vases provided by the PTA to show our appreciation for our amazing teachers.  Homemade, from a garden, or bought, a teacher will like any of them a lot!  (Even our male teachers will enjoy a flower!)

Let’s work together to make a lovely bouquet for each teacher to take home and enjoy!

First Week of May Events

First Week of May Events

There are a lot of fun and exciting things happening the first week of May!

May 1-5th is Teacher Appreciation Week.  We have the best teachers and faculty at Mapleton Elementary!  Join in this week in showing them how much we love and appreciate them.  If you and your students have not yet written a letter to their teachers, there is still time to turn letters into the boxes by the doors of the school or email them to [email protected].

May 1-5th is also Screen Free Week.  Look for more details to come home soon and please encourage your children to unplug from TV, tablets and computers for a few days.

We will have our Spring Family Movie Night on Friday, May 5th at Mapleton City Park.  Come get a spot and concessions starting at 8:00pm and the movie “Moana” will start as soon as it is dark enough.

We are having a Sonic Night on Monday, May 8th. They are supporting our school by giving Mapleton Elementary 20% of their proceeds for sales between 5:00 and 8:00 p.m. that evening. If you are in the area and want to stop by Sonic for drinks or dinner, that would be great!

Shhh, It’s a Secret!

Shhh, It’s a Secret!

Teacher Appreciation Week is the first week of May!

The PTA has many things planned for the teachers and we would love to get the students involved.

In honor of our teachers, the PTA invites you to SPEAK UP! Please use the attached form for the students to write or draw a note of thanks to their teachers. Or you can make your own! Please take a moment to let your teacher know how special he or she is.

Parents are also encouraged to join in. You can email a letter to [email protected] or send the note with your child to drop of at the school.

There will be a box labeled LETTERS by the front and side entrances of the school. Please drop off letters sometime during April 17th-21st in these boxes.

Thank you for making Teacher Appreciation Week a success!

To print the letter form CLICK HERE.

PTA Walk-a-Thon Fundraiser

PTA Walk-a-Thon Fundraiser

Step 1:

Last week your child should have brought home a large envelope with instructions for collecting donations for the Walk-a-Thon fundraiser.  We suggest students ask family and friends for per lap donations or just a one time donation and record all donations on the form on the outside of the envelope.

Step 2:

Students will get their free Walk-a-Thon t-shirt this week and are encouraged to wear them on Friday the 21st for the Walk-a-Thon.  Each grade will have 45 minutes to walk or run as many laps as they can.  Prizes will be awarded for the class in each grade that does the most laps as well as the boy and girl in each grade who do the most laps.

Step 3:

After the Walk-a-Thon students should collect their donations and return them in the envelope to their teacher or the office by Wednesday, April 26th.  One time donations can also be made with credit cards by clicking on the Walk-a-Thon link on the right hand side of this website.

Thank you for your time, effort and support in helping us make this PTA fundraiser a success!

Last Box Tops Store!

Last Box Tops Store!

This Friday, the 14th, is the FINAL Box Tops Store of the year.  Bring your Box Tops to the basement during lunch to help us reach our goal of 10,000 Box Tops.  If we meet our goal, 3 faculty members will get pies thrown in their faces!

General PTA Meeting

General PTA Meeting

The general membership PTA meeting will be on Tuesday, April 11th at 9:30am in the basement.  We will be voting on the 2017-2018 PTA Board Members and discussing events for the last two months of the school year.  Kids are always welcome!

2017-2018 PTA Board Nominations

2017-2018 PTA Board Nominations

President: Emily Warren
President Elect: Joriel Howcraft
Treasurer: Kara Woodworth
Secretary: Tami Woolford
Membership VP: Jason Nackos
Volunteer VP: Emily Flake
Publicity VP: Katie Holley

The board will be voted on at the PTA meeting on April 11th.

PTA Board Nominations

PTA Board Nominations

PTA Board open nominations for the 2017-2018 school year are available in the office from 3/14/17 to 3/22/17.  If there is anyone you would like to nominate to be on next year’s PTA Board please do so! Next year’s board will be voted on at our PTA General Membership meeting on April 11th.